This pancake stall is REALLY special to me because I started going there to eat pancakes in Grade 3, which was literally TEN YEARS AGO when I was NINE years old :/ (I feel so old now). I use to go there with my Uncle EVERY SATURDAY without fail just to get some pancakes, & they MUST be HOT. Otherwise it just doesn't taste the same. The market use to start at 9am and finish around 1am but the pancakes will be sold out by 12pm latest!
So I stopped going to the Pancake Stall for about 2 or 3 years & just recently this year I went back. First time was with my friends & second time was with my Aunt & Uncle who were down from Botswana. I was taken aback to like 2004 when I saw the SAME man sitting behind that SAME Pancake table. He has been there EVERY SINGLE time I have went to buy pancakes. The person sitting next to him helping him out always alternates. I started feeling all fuzzy inside & excited like how I use to feel when I was a lil 9 year old going to buy pancakes. Not everything was the same tho except the table, the Main Man himself & the four pans behind the table. The lady who used to be frying the pancakes behind (in 2009) was not working for him anymore, due to some reasons I wouldn't want to post here (We had a good chuckle about that LOL). Of course the prices have increased but is still very affordable. Oh & of course, the Main Man himself still has the same face, but a whole new different shade of hair - GREY! Lol he is such a sweet man, always smiling & always pleasant.
So when I visited him recently, I had a good chat with him (he even gave me a free pancake & an unwanted discount for being a 10 years old loyal customer haha) & it was fun reliving memories. I even told him that it looks like his stall has moved up from where it was & he told me, "No, my stall is in the exact same place that it was 10 years ago BUT the entire Flea Market moved more up so it gives the illusion that my stall has moved when it hasn't." I found that very interesting.
I then ordered what used to be my usual, A cinnamon & golden syrup pancake. Just that all those years ago, my uncle & I used to order like seven & I use to eat like four :| I mean when you 9 years old you don't usually worry about your weight, right? This time I just ordered one & I decided to try the Banana Pancake too. It didn't disappoint. I mean I was wasn't expecting it to disappoint either. The only thing about these pancakes & I'm sure with many other pancakes is that you have to eat it HOT, otherwise it just doesn't taste the same.
So the reason why I decided to write this blog post tonight is so that all of you readers who live in Durban can go get yourself some of the best pancakes in Durban, TOMORROW!
So I leave you with some pictures, hope you enjoyed my review on this living childhood memory of mine & I hope that you Durban readers will go get some Pancakes tomorrow? I know I will!
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Yummy pancakes! Can't wait to get my hands on some tomorrow! <3 |
Until next time, keep your life frosted! <3